Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Talking to LDS scholars about the Hill Cumorah in New York


  1. I've been watching a John Sorenson lecture on YouTube. He was giving an abbreviated version of his Codex book. As you know he has identified literally 100s and 100s of parallels between Meso American and Nephite culture/geography/etc. How do we Heartland/Hopewell/Adena/USA folks explain all those parallels? I know without doubt that he is wrong on the Hill Cumorah location but many of the parallels he offers are substantial.

  2. I've seen some of Sorenson's stuff. He usually states a parallel to the BoM, yet never tries to say if it is unique to the BoM. That would make a parallel proof. Coincidence is not proof. Watch both of Amberli Nelson's YouTube videos. Her information is very compelling.

  3. I've seen some of Sorenson's stuff. He usually states a parallel to the BoM, yet never tries to say if it is unique to the BoM. That would make a parallel proof. Coincidence is not proof. Watch both of Amberli Nelson's YouTube videos. Her information is very compelling.
